Pinalex Tab - Acīm ar tīklenes peptīdu

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35.00 € 0.00 €

Jauns peptīdu bioregulators ērtā tablešu formā, kas paredzēts reģeneratīvo procesu stimulēšanai acs audos pie paaugstināta noguruma, slimībām, ko pavada redzes aktivitātes samazināšanās, rehabilitācijas laikā pēc tīklenes apdegumiem, tostarp ultravioletā starojuma, tīklenes un radzenes mehāniskajiem bojājumiem.

Pinalex Tab palīdz uzlabot redzes asumu pie vecuma izraisītām izmaiņām acīs.

Izmantojiet integrētu pieeju redzes saglabāšanai un aizsardzībai, izmantojot pirmo oftalmoloģisko kompleksu Pinalex ar peptīdiem:

 Pinalex Eye Balm un Pinalex Tab.



  • mazina acu nogurumu
  • palielina izturību pret intensīvām redzes slodzēm
  • uzlabo mikrocirkulāciju acs audos;
  • novērš acs distrofisku izmaiņu attīstību;
  • aizsargā acs struktūras no dienas gaismas spektra zilās daļas agresīvākās iedarbības;
  • paātrina tīklenes jutību pret gaismu;
  • uztur normālu acs muskuļu fizioloģisko tonusu un nervu darbību;
  • tiek izmantots rehabilitācijai pēc tīklenes apdegumiem, mehāniskām tīklenes un radzenes traumām.


MCC (carrier, Е460i), taurine, succinic acid, dried blueberry juice, (Vaccínium myrtíllus), Haematococcus extract (Haematococcus pluvialis) (astaxanthin), silicon dioxide (flowing agent, Е551), marigolds extract (lutein) (Tagetes erecta), vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol acetate), magnesium or calcium salt of stearic acid (flowing agent, Е470), grape skin extract (Vitis vinifera), polyvinylpyrrolidone (binder, Е1201), beta-carotene, vitamin В6 (pyridoxine hydrochloride), vitamin В1 (thiamine), vitamin В2 (riboflavin), vitamin В12 (cyanocobalamin), peptide complex АА-6 (consists of lysine and glutamic acid). This product is a source of taurine succinic acid, astaxanthin, additional source of beta-carotene, vitamins Е, В1, В2, В6, В12.
Main components:

Peptide complex AA-6
Contributes to the improvement of the functional cooperation of pigment epithelium and outer segments of the photoreceptors at dystrophic changes. Accelerates retinal light sensitivity.

Is involved in the transmission of photographic signals. Promotes cell membrane function normalization and activation of energy exchange processes of light-sensitive cells.

Succinic acid
An endogenous intracellular metabolite of the Krebs cycle, performing a universal energy synthesizing function in human cells. Has an antihypoxic effect on the eye tissue, normalizes processes of proliferation and new cell differentiation.

Dried blueberry juice
Blueberry anthocyanosides stimulate the repair of light-sensitive retinal pigment - rhodopsin, improve the sensitivity of the retina to the different types of light radiation and enhance visual acuity in low-light conditions.

Shows a high antioxidant activity. Improves visual acuity, reduces eye fatigue.

Accumulates in the cells of the central area of the retina (macula), where it partially transforms into zeaxanthin. Protects the eye structures from the action of the most aggressive, blue part of the spectrum of daylight, radiation emitted by computer monitor and smartphone display. As a powerful antioxidant, lutein is capable of neutralizing the action of free radicals, prevent retinal destruction and clouding of the lens.

Vitamin E
Has antioxidant activity. Improves eye tissue nutrition, inhibiting the development of dystrophic changes. Vitamin E is an indispensable participant in the synthesis of the substances revitalizing retinal cells of substances.

Grape skin extract
Grape skin proanthocyanidins improve blood realogic properties and microcirculation in the eye tissues. Resveratrol contained in the extract possesses a high antioxidant activity.

Supports the restoration processes in the eye tissues. Beta-carotene is involved in the formation of visual pigments (rhodopsin) and required for twilight and colour vision.

Vitamin B6
Prevents eye fatigue and nervous tic (“eye twitching”), increases resistance to intensive visual loadings.

Vitamin B1
Supports normal physiological tone of eye muscles, maintains visual acuity, and prevents increased intraocular pressure.

Vitamin B2
Protects the eye’s retina from the damaging effects of the blue part of the spectrum of daylight, prevents the development of photophobia and conjunctival inflammation.

Vitamin B12
Supports optic nerve function, improves blood circulation of intraocular media and metabolic reactions.
Adults: 1 tablet 2-3 times a day with food. Period of administration: 1 month.  If necessary, the reception can be repeated.
60 tablets (500 mg each)

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